

Future proofing healthcare: What evidence tells us about creating sustainable healthcare systems

Join us for our upcoming research showcase:

Future proofing healthcare: What evidence tells us about creating sustainable healthcare systems

Macquarie University, 23 Wally’s Walk, Theatre 1, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 and online

16 June 2023, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

To register

The event celebrates the culmination of six years of research into improving the sustainability of healthcare systems by PCHSS investigators and our system partners. The day will be composed of two sessions.

The first session will showcase the outcomes and recommendations that arose from our research throughout the life of this grant. The second will be an interactive simulation of the healthcare system where we invite participants to think outside the box to explore solutions to ongoing challenges to the healthcare system.

The event will include health consumers, GPs, media, private health insurers, managers, researchers and policy makers.

Draft Agenda

Introduction to the day (9:00 AM)

Welcome and Introduction: Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite (Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI))

Welcome to Country: TBA

Reforming the Australian Health System (9:30 AM)


Using Analytics, Technology and Shared Data (9:45 AM)

Professor Johanna Westbrook (AIHI), Professor Enrico Coiera (AIHI), Professor Len Gray (University of Queensland)

Reducing Waste and Low-Value Care (10:25 AM)

Professor Paul Glasziou (Bond University), Professor Rachelle Buchbinder (Monash University)

Morning Tea

Promoting Better Value for the Health Dollar (11:15 AM)

Professor Tony Scott (University of Melbourne), Professor Jon Karnon (Flinders University), Dr Delia Hendrie (Curtin University)

Observatory on Health System Sustainability (12:00 PM)

Professor Yvonne Zurynski (AIHI), Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite (AIHI)

Health Consumers informing Healthcare Systems (12:30 PM)



Reforming the Health System on a State Level (1:30 PM)


Simulating the Health System: Can You Solve Its Problems? (1:45 PM)

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite (AIHI)

The Simulation Game (2:05 PM)

Panel and audience participation

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward for Australia (3:15 PM)

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite (AIHI)

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We look forward to seeing you there!

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